
“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.”

Matthew 5:8

I sat in the Adoration Chapel and was filled with an overwhelming desire to be close to God, to see His face, to be enveloped in His embrace.  Then, a new thought pierced through my consciousness like an arrow.

“I want all of those things for my children, too!”

I began to pray fervently for each of my five children by name, asking God to show them His love and mercy throughout their lives and to give my husband and me wisdom to guide them toward heaven.

As parents, we have so many responsibilities.  School work, sports practices, music lessons, friends, birthday parties, sleep overs.  The list is endless.  We are called to help our children make prudent decisions in every aspect of their lives, but our most important calling must not get lost in the busyness of daily life.

We are called to lead our children on a path of purity, that their hearts will be receptive to the will of God.  We are called to lead our children to sainthood, and to allow them to lead us to holiness as well.  A lofty aspiration?  An unachievable ideal?  Some might think so, but God has given us the tools we need to fulfill His desires for us.

Paving the Path to Purity will provide you with inspiration, conversation starters, projects, and other resources that can be woven into your daily life and home environment.  Even your youngest children will be able to understand and participate in the ideas you find here.  You will find encouragement for living a counter cultural lifestyle, tips for creating a peaceful and sacred atmosphere in your home, and projects that will keep your whole family focused on their path to holiness.

Elevate the dignity of each member of your household!  Guard your home from the snares of the devil!  Reap the benefits of seeking God’s pure will in all that you do, and your home and all who fill it will become a beacon of hope and love.

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